Sidebar/details view

Use Columns with a combination of ratio and min-/max-width to create a responsive sidebar.

// Edit the live code below
<Columns ratio='1/3' collapseAt='28em'>
minWidth: 'min(17em, 100%)'
Details view

First we must decide how much space the sidebar and details view will get. In this example it is split up in a 1:3 ratio, meaning the sidebar takes up 25% of the width and the details view take up 75%.

This already gives us a nice baseline, but there's 2 things which should be improved still:

  1. The layout doesn't yet work well on small screens. That is because we haven't added the collapseAt prop yet, so the layout scales down until no space is left.
  2. When shrinking the screen you can notice that the sidebar gets too small (and too big when growing). That is because 25% of the width quickly becomes too little space to be legible.

Adding collapseAt

The first issue is fixed quite easily. We simply specify a collapseAt value which we like, and Columns automatically collapses into a single-column layout after that. collapseAt specifies the container width at which the layout collapses. This is useful, because we could now also create a CSS media query to adapt the sidebar to something which works better for mobile.

Polishing the sidebar

To prevent the sidebar from getting to small or too big we ca usethe CSS min-width and max-width properties, which also play very nicely with the ratio prop. Together you get a smooth linear "width gradient" when resizing the window.

Fun fact: this is exactly how the sidebar/details view of this website is implemented. You can have a look at the code.